Thursday, July 18, 2013

FISH REPORT: Fishing with Uncle Mike!

I went night fishing with my Uncle Mike last Monday (July 15th) And I had an absoulute BLAST! I caught one small catfish, and he caught a couple chubs and a Rock Bass! We filleted the Bass and Catfish, but the trip wasn't over yet. I let Uncle Mike use my Dad's Ultralight pole, BIG MISTAKE! All of the sudden, a fish started runing with the worm we were fishing on bottom! Uncle Mike reeled like crazy and brought in a two pound carp! He tried to get it off of the ground (We were fishing on a high bank) but the line snapped :( I still had a blast anyways, Uncle Mike is always fun!

Friday, July 12, 2013

NEWS: "The boat"+Alabama rig

I have a boat. It is a two person rowboat and it came with a trolling motor! How could I afford that you might be thinking? I didn't, a friend gave it to us in exchange for weeding! But how is it mine, well I asked Mom and Dad to give it to me and Gabe (my little bro!) and then Gabe realized that it was expensive to buy new clamps for the trolling motor, a license, stickers for the boat, eventually a new paint job, a couple of patches for holes in the bottom, and other boatish stuff! So, he gave it to me! :) Well, I wanted to take it out yesterday (July 11th) because it was my birthday, but all of kokosing campground was covered in water! Sadly I couldn't take my boat but, but we have it all ready for sometime soon! I had a Tae Kwon Do belt test a while ago, and Gabriel bought me something called an Alabama rig! It is a rig with five diffrent branches that imitates a group of fish (I don't know if five fish can properly be called a "school" so I stuck with group:) In the state of Ohio, you are only allowed to have three branches with hook, but every once in a while I fish private ponds with no regulations, and I can still use three hooks for a public pond! Well, sorry I haven't posted in a while, Summer is busy for me! Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fish Report/Story:A story worth telling my kids one day!

One day I am going to tell my kids this story: Kids, don't  be addicted by video games, because you will do stupid things if you do! One day when I was just a young foolish whipper-snapper, I wanted to play something called a Nintendo Wii with my cousin, down at my Grandparents house! Well, my younger brother Gabriel, and Caroline's younger brother Nelson were already playing. But that was no problem, we had other things to do! Like go fishing in my Granparent's pond! One problem IT WAS POURING RAINING. But that didn't stop us! We walked to my Grandparents pond, got into their paddle-boat, (After tipping it over to get all the water out) and went out in the pond! I gathered all my vast fishing knowledge and told Caroline that since it was raining the fish wouldn't bite, due to it being too wet. Fish don't like getting wet. She just smirked at me and casted. After many laps around the pond and a lot of threats to shove each other off the boat, she ended up catching three nice fish. One 15" Largemouth Bass, a 13" Largemouth and a 9" Sunfish. The only thing she really got out of it is when she called a Largemouth a Smallmouth, and I politely answered that it was a Largemouth. She kinda cocked her head and asked me what the difference was and I (politely) explained that the female was the Largemouth. She believed me at first, but then I explained it was a joke, so I got punched. So the moral of this story is
1. Cousins are a lot of fun!
2. Cousins sometimes get grumpy... (Joking)
4. Don't fish in the rain!

Again, sorry for the absense of posts, hope this made up for it!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Ever heard of a muskellunge (Or musky, similar to northern pike) WILL A TRASHEGY HAS MADE ITS WAY TO AMERICA! THE TRASHELUNGE!

(Clean video! I watched all of it!)

INFO: I won't be posting frequently

Sorry guys, but my Dad doesn't like 'screens' (TV, Video games, and yes computer) in the summer so Dad took them away (We, me and my brother, didn't lose it he just wants us to 'play outside' more often) Mom or Dad agreed to give me computer, only once in a while, this fall my posts will be back to usual! Mom and Dad let me type on my laptop (I am making a book on my laptop, so they let me have all laptop privlages during summer. P.S. my laptop does NOT have internet connection) so I will try to type my posts there and use a Flash drive to transfer them later.

TIP: Big Pike video

I subscribe to any fishing e-mails I can get, and I found this video in one of them:

It is clean (all the way to the ninth minute I didn't finish it, but I saw nothing bad) and at the ninth minute they fillet the pike (Most of you will want to skip that) but within the first minute they catch a BIG pike! I hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 24, 2013

[FISH REPORT] I couldn't find my camera cord, sorry for the delay. Fishing at my Grandparents house.

Time= X I forgot but I guess a month ago.
Time Started fishing= 11:52 am
Time stopped fishing= 1:31
Number of fish I caught= 7
Fish one:
Time I caught it= 11:59 (First cast, I took a while to set up)
Species= Sunfish
Caught on= Small minnow (Pictured in swivels post)

Fish 2:
Time I caught it= 12:31
Species= Largemouth Bass
Lure= Plastic Worm reeling rapidly through water.

Fish 3:
Time I caught it= 12:33 (Next cast after last fish)
Species= Largemouth Bass
Lure= Plastic Worm reeling rapidly through water.

Fish 4:
Species= Largemouth Bass
Lure= Artificial Grasshopper (Popper)

Fish 5:
Time 1:14
Species= Sunfish
Lure= Grasshopper

Fish 6:
Time= 1:22
Species= Largemouth Bass
Lure= Grasshopper popper with a sinker on the string. The front of the lure wanted to go down the top wanted to go up, giving it some pretty sweet jigging action!

Fish 7:
Time= 1:26
Species= Largemouth Bass
Lure= Grasshopper popper with sinker

Next Time= I forgot a tape measure, and I need to stay away from shore, so many fish would come to get my lure, then see me and go back down!

All in all Grandpa's house= good fishing, He is so courteous to let me fish there.

Fish 5

Fish 4

Fish 4 close up

Grandpa's pond

Gradpa's left side

Grandpa's pond right side

Saturday, May 18, 2013

[NEWS] I haven't posted in a while!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I lost my camera cord! I still haven't found it and I have two Fish Reports ready! When I find it I will post the reports!

Friday, May 10, 2013

[REVIEW] My Fillet Knife!

Two CHRISTmas's ago, I got this awesome Fillet Knife combo from Rapala (Rap-uh-luh) and it worked really well!

I don't know where my Grandparent's got it, but you can google Rapala Fillet Knife combo and I am sure it will come up! The Knife worked really well, and the sharpener is AWESOME!

[REVIEW] My tackle box!

For those of you that read "County Life" this isn't new, but I will go into more detail. I bough a new tackle box off of amazon (It is the Plano 6 tray tackle box) and it works great! 

This is what it looks like with all my stuff inside! (I can even fit my knife and fillet board, more on that later!)

It has strong bronze latches on both sides, with a hole to put a lock inside!
(Gabriel broke my last tackle box, unfortunately, the cheap plastic latch wasn't strong enough to hold against him. P.S. he didn't do it on purpose!) 

This is what the tackle box looks like from above!

I added a Fish Ohio sticker, so if I ever catch a winner (It has long been my dream to be a Master Angler, Fish Ohio gives a a golden button to the winner with a awesome Bass on it. In order to get that award, you have to have 4 Fish Ohio awards in different species... I was once 1/4 of a inch away from a Fish Ohio award. I caught a 19 and 3/4" Smallmouth bass... Sigh I would have loved even a Silver award (Where you only catch one fish Ohio Award in ONE species)

Well that is that, overall it is a really nice tacklebox, I love it!  

[TIP] What time to fish!

There is a lot of debate on the "best" time to fish! I personally think that the early morning and 6-9 pm works great for bass, mid afternoon for Crappie (Crappie fishing is best sometime in Mayish Juneish. I once caught 15 crappie in one day! In total me, my Dad, and my uncle caught 32 fish! I caught more because the were to busy helping me fish than fishing!) and night-time for catfish! (I would say from 9 to midnight.) But right now, for creek or small lake fishing, I would go 4-8. Sometimes the fish get their "evening meal" in early, (4) sometimes they wait till later (6-7) But whenever they decide for their "evening meal" early or late doesn't matter, because the fish want to eat before "bed". All of the sudden (You may have had no luck from 4-5) you will catch fish after fish after fish after fish! It is awesome to find!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

[TIP] Slipsinkers!

Slipsinkers are a must have for any type of catfish fishing! They allow the catfish to not feel any tension, and keep your bait on the bottom! (Catfish do not always feed on bottom, they sometimes go to mid-water to feed on sunfish) I was reading (In North American Fishing Club guidebook) how handy these sinkers really are. If a catfish feels tension on a itty bitty worm, he will instantly spit it out.
This is what a slip sinker looks like. You thread the line through the loop (The only pain is sometime you have to take your swivel off, depending on the size!)

This is a pic, I took from the N.A.F.C. Guideline book! You can see the slip sinker (He is using a small sunfish as bait) This photo was captured by a underwater camera (Sorry for the picture, I have a terrible camera!)

So that is what a slipsinker is like! 

[TIP] Swivels!

Swivels are a extremely handy for changing lures quickly.

This is what a swivel looks like! You attach your line to the hole in the very far left and then another hole leads to the clipy part of the swivel! (Pay attention to the piece that hooks to the swivel's clipy part, it is called a barrel swivel. I will talk about that later in this post)

Unhook the swivel, using you fingernail.

Then attach to your lure of choice and Voila! Perfectly fast, and no un-tying and re-tying!
  So that is what a swivel does! Okay, now to talk about barrel swivels. They are sold separately (On rare occasions, because it is pure idiocy to do so) and they are a real pain. They reduce line twist, but to attach and detach lures you have to cut line (Your line from your pole goes in one end, so how are you going to attach the lure?) into a loop shape to attach your lure. When you buy swivels always make sure that they include the right half. Barrel swivels (However) are really nice when they are attached to the clipy thingy! (I made up the name clipy thingy on the go. Don't ask a Cabelas employee for a clipy thingy, he will probably laugh in your face!) :)

Hope that helped,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[TEST] Bass Test: Advanced

Bass Test: Advanced.
1.    Smallmouth bass have been proven to prefer this water tempature.
A.    74-81
B.     62-73
C.     65-73
D.    67-71

2.   The world record Largemouth Bass weighed 
      A. 25 pounds 2 ounces
      B. 32 pounds  3 ounces
      C. 19 pounds  2 ounces
      D. 22 pounds 4 ounces.

3.   Freshwater bass in Florida have this many scales.
      A. 59-65
      B. 69-73
      C. 73-82
      D. Depends on the lake.

4.  Freshwater Bass around the Great Lakes have this many scales.
     A. 59-65
     B. 69-73
     C. 73-82
     D. Depends on the lake.

5.  Largemouth Bass have been proven to prefer this water temperature.
     A. 67-74
     B. 75-80
     C. 68-78
     D. 71-79

6.  The world record Smallmouth weighed
     A. 10 pounds 14 ounces
     B. 15 pounds 2 ounces
     C. 9 pounds 7 ounces
     D. 13 pounds 5 ounces

7. When feeding Bass cruise along the edge of a weedline.
     True or False
8. When feeding Bass go to the deepest water possible
     True or False

9. When it has just gone from really cold weather (40 F) to really hot weather (75-80 F)
     Bass go to shallow water
     True or False

10. Largemouth Bass eat water snakes
      True or False?

I will post the answers in the "Test Answers" Page. It will be under: Bass Test Advanced 1

TEST: Bass Test Intermediate

Bass Test: Intermediate 1

1.      To spawn successfully bass need a silky bottom.
True or False?

2.      What color eyes does a Rock Bass have?
A. Black
B. Red
C. Green
D. Blue

4.   There is a type of Bass that lives in Saltwater
       True or False?

5.   Which two names is a real species of Bass
       A. Striped
       B. Pumkinseed
       C. Redears
       D. Fishy Fishy
       E. White
       F. Yellow
       E. Green

6.  Smallmouth commonly changes color to match their surroundings.
     True or False?

7.  Smallmouth burrow into the ground to disguise themselves from their prey.
     True or False?

8. Smallmouth bass are young Largemouth bass
    True or False?

9.  Smallmouth eat a lobster like insect called a B “Crayfish” or “Crawdad”
     True or False?

10. Smallmouth jump out of the water to expel a hook.
      True or False?

I will post the answers in the "Test Answers" Page! It will be called Bass Test: Intermediate 1

[INFO] This is my first post...

Wow... FIrst post of this blog. I am about to give you some amazing fishing advice (Drumroll please) GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO FISHING! No I am just joking! I really appreciate the time that you spent reading this! This is my first post, and I am going to explain how it works. I am labeling my post, as
INFO= Info on blog conduct, rules, explanations, and anything that is infoy
FISHING REPORT= That is where I post one of my fishing reports. (Want to post your own? Go to the fishing report page!)
FISHING TEST= Uh-oh did I say the T word? Yes I am going to post tests. Not because I think I am smarter than you (I LITERALLY got a bunch of books and magazines, and threw together a test.) If you aren't the expert fisherman I understand. I have labeled the test with Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, and advanced. Don't feel bad if you got wrong answers on the Novice tests, some information is widely known, some isn't. Novice doesn't mean DUH YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT it means Important information that most anglers should know.
TIP= Again I am not smarter than you, I am just putting a ton of info into one blog. I will post a couple of helpful tips, if you want to post your own, see the "Post your own tips" page!
NEWS= This is news, for example I am going to be absent for a while, my computer is being fixed, or something exciting that is going to happen.
UPDATES= This is where I am going to post if my blog is changing. For example a new domain name, or a different background. If you want to suggest a idea, please refer to the "Questions and Comments" page!
EVENT= This is where the is a public upcoming event, that is fishing related! If (for example) I am going to the ocean to fish (My dream forever) it would be under news!
REVIEW= This is where a review a product and tell you how I like it!
JOKE= Something funny!
 Well that is how things are going to be working 'round here! I really hope you enjoy my blog!
And remember, the best way to fish good is to field test and record your data!