Thursday, May 9, 2013

[TIP] Swivels!

Swivels are a extremely handy for changing lures quickly.

This is what a swivel looks like! You attach your line to the hole in the very far left and then another hole leads to the clipy part of the swivel! (Pay attention to the piece that hooks to the swivel's clipy part, it is called a barrel swivel. I will talk about that later in this post)

Unhook the swivel, using you fingernail.

Then attach to your lure of choice and Voila! Perfectly fast, and no un-tying and re-tying!
  So that is what a swivel does! Okay, now to talk about barrel swivels. They are sold separately (On rare occasions, because it is pure idiocy to do so) and they are a real pain. They reduce line twist, but to attach and detach lures you have to cut line (Your line from your pole goes in one end, so how are you going to attach the lure?) into a loop shape to attach your lure. When you buy swivels always make sure that they include the right half. Barrel swivels (However) are really nice when they are attached to the clipy thingy! (I made up the name clipy thingy on the go. Don't ask a Cabelas employee for a clipy thingy, he will probably laugh in your face!) :)

Hope that helped,

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