Friday, July 5, 2013

Fish Report/Story:A story worth telling my kids one day!

One day I am going to tell my kids this story: Kids, don't  be addicted by video games, because you will do stupid things if you do! One day when I was just a young foolish whipper-snapper, I wanted to play something called a Nintendo Wii with my cousin, down at my Grandparents house! Well, my younger brother Gabriel, and Caroline's younger brother Nelson were already playing. But that was no problem, we had other things to do! Like go fishing in my Granparent's pond! One problem IT WAS POURING RAINING. But that didn't stop us! We walked to my Grandparents pond, got into their paddle-boat, (After tipping it over to get all the water out) and went out in the pond! I gathered all my vast fishing knowledge and told Caroline that since it was raining the fish wouldn't bite, due to it being too wet. Fish don't like getting wet. She just smirked at me and casted. After many laps around the pond and a lot of threats to shove each other off the boat, she ended up catching three nice fish. One 15" Largemouth Bass, a 13" Largemouth and a 9" Sunfish. The only thing she really got out of it is when she called a Largemouth a Smallmouth, and I politely answered that it was a Largemouth. She kinda cocked her head and asked me what the difference was and I (politely) explained that the female was the Largemouth. She believed me at first, but then I explained it was a joke, so I got punched. So the moral of this story is
1. Cousins are a lot of fun!
2. Cousins sometimes get grumpy... (Joking)
4. Don't fish in the rain!

Again, sorry for the absense of posts, hope this made up for it!

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